Sunday, April 27, 2014

ANZAC day scraplets

good morning everyone, 

Being an army wife, ANZAC day has always been a very big day in this family.
It doesn't that i'm currently 8 months pregnant, or once when i have had a 2 week old baby, or that it has been -5degrees,  or that my husband has been deployed, we get up in the middle of the night and get all dressed up and go to a dawn service, have a big breakfast and sometimes watch my husband/their daddy march. 

so when i was one of the few design team member to receive the military scraplets i must admit i felt a bit of pressure but i just let my creative side take over. 

this first layout photo was taken in 2009, the first year that my husband (the young one) had the privilege to march with his uncle (next to him) and his dad in melbourne. all very proud to show off their medals (and rightly so i might add!!)

 the scraplet i have used is Lest we forget

and i simply inked over the top of it so that it stood out on the page and added 3dimentional liquid on the writing. 

my next layout photo was taken this year. unfortunately the kind random person who took the photo of all us was extremely blurry so that is why im not in it.   

i have used rising sun scraplet

well thats all from me today. 
i will be back in 3 days to share some more military pages.
i hope you have a great scrappy weekend.

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